
Dec 25, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 304: DC Comics Presents #67, March 1984

The sun was rising. Tara had been up for hours, and had convinced me with a cup of coffee that I should probably get up too. Sage was still asleep. We puttered, and then sliced some Zopf, warmed up our tea and coffee, and settled onto the couch to read comics, this one for me, Castle Waiting for Tara. Some old crooner carols were playing softly in the background, the day was turning from dusky grey to brilliant white and blue. The lights in the tree twinkled, the cats slumped down next to us after their Christmas breakfast.

And Superman and Santa Claus saved Christmas from the Toyman, with the help of a young lad named Timmy Dickens.

So far, pretty great. Happy Christmas from me to you. May whichever of our Winter celebrations you hold dear be full of warmth and joy.

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