
May 23, 2015

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 88: Miracleman #6, July 2014

A short one today (I seem to type that a lot and it never end up being true). I'm kind of tired of writing right now so rather than a long diatribe about how this comic is speaking to Supreme, can we just take a short moment to consider Alan Moore's words? The first page of this issue is a monologue by Evelyn Cream, whose story I'm still super-intrigued by. There is such personality in these words. Not words enhanced by personalized caption boxes (though the blue of these boxes calls to mind the fact that Cream's words issue from between sapphire teeth), but simply words explaining to us an interiority of a character who is, ostensibly, a hitman, a murderer, but who is also a protagonist in this story. I like Evelyn Cream, even if I don't like what he does. To be able to do that with words is magic.

(Bit of a conundrum now, as I do not own Miracleman #7. I'll either go out and get it for tomorrow's comic, or go back to the storage collection and we'll continue the Miracleman/Supreme comparison at a later date. See you tomorrow.)

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